Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
Episode # 1083 - Discussion On Abortion Continues
Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
Jim Littleton is back again this week and talks on the subject of Abortion today, since this week is around the time for the March Of Life is going on. He brings up things about his family on this subject, but also shares what others go through with this. In order to help illustrate that, he shares several stories along these lines with several people, particularly with girls going through situations like this and faced with the choices that they must make or choose. With these stories shared, Jim points out the consequences or joys with the choices made, as well as why Abortion exists, in terms of being one of the many "evils" in the world. This leads Christina and Tony joining in the conversation and leads to how God is involved with us in these situations and choices, as well as how we can be better in this, leading to sharing several readings to help this, including giving us the strength we need, as well as God being our strength. The discussion takes a more philosophical turn with discussing the moral principles with this, as well as stem cell research. Again, for more on Jim Littleton and his family, as well as his organization Forming Faithful Families, visit online at: http://www.formingfaithfulfamilies.com.