
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Episode # 9107 – The Spiritual Battle: Sacrifice, Suffering, And Salvation
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
TGIF and today we have Father Anthony and Cristina on the show and their discussion is on all that has been happening for and at Saint Stanislaus Kostka, in the Spiritual Battle we face in life, and how the Devil tries to destroy us, but God saves us. He also shares with us an article related to the discussion going on, in terms of the Spiritual Battle with sacrifice, suffering, and salvation, all connected in a way.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Episode 9106 – The Two Tony’s On Apocalyptic Times
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Reunited after being away for 2 weeks, the Two Tony’s return to us loyal listeners. The discussion continues on examine our relationship with God and how we need to turn to Him in our times of need and sorrow. This in turn leads to talking about these apocalyptic times we live in and how we need God to help and guide us, which can also cause confusion about His ways with us.

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Episode # 9105 - Father Koys On Saints Phillip And James And The Hail Mary
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Due to Father Koys conducting a funeral and working on getting tech issues resolved, this is a re-air of one of his most popular shows from May 3rd, 2023. Thank you.
It’s brain wrinkling time with our Wednesday host…Father Thomas Koys. Today, he is thrilled to be back and his topic of discussion this time continues on the movie Nefarious. He also looks at a particularly powerful prayer that everyone knows very well…The Hail Mary. He talks about his retreat he was on last week and what a wonderful experience it was and Father Koys examines some Saints today…Saint Phillip and Saint James.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Episode # 9104 - Discussing What Is Wrong…With And In The World
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Due to a scheduling conflict, this is a re-air of one of our most popular shows from: June 6th and June 20th, 2023. Thank you.
Tuesday with the Saint Stans Trinity today and they are preparing for Corpus Christi coming up this month. With all the funerals that Father Anthony has had to run recently…it brings up more on how we need a lot of faith and prayer in the world we live in with so much going on in and with the world. To help on this, they turn to the works of some interesting authors, including Mark Twain and Saints.

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Episode # 9103 - Reuniting With Mark Kwaku Nimo
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Again, due to the internet crash last week, this is a re-air/re-broadcast of the show from last Friday. Thank you.
TGIF everyone and Lauretta is very happy to be with us on this Friday. Today, she is joined by Mark Kwaku Nimo, who was her very first guest when she started to host the show solo. Mark Kwaku Nimo comes from Ghana in West Africa and currently serves as the Director of Faith Formation at St. Moses the Black Parish and Augustus Tolton Catholic Academy in the Archdiocese of Chicago. He has ministered in over 45 countries and for a period of 10 years, Mark served as the representative for all Anglophone African countries on the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services office in the Vatican. He also serves on the Chicago Team for Encounter Ministries for their Summer Intensive, which will be held at the Chicago Campus from July 31st-August 3rd, 2023, from 5-9 PM. For more information:
Encounter Ministries Chicago: www.encounterschool.org
St. Francis of Rome School
1401 S. Austin Blvd.
Cicero, IL

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Episode # 9102 – Reuniting With Mark Kwaku Nimo
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Due to a major internet crash last week, this is a delayed podcast from Friday July 21st and what the show was supposed to be on Friday last week. We apologize for the inconveniences. Thank you.
First of all, this is the show that was supposed to be broadcast on Friday July 21, 2023, but due to a massive internet shut down/crash, the connection was lost and again…this is the show that was supposed to air. We apologize for the inconveniences.
TGIF everyone and Lauretta is very happy to be with us on this Friday. Today, she is joined by Mark Kwaku Nimo, who was her very first guest when she started to host the show solo. Mark Kwaku Nimo comes from Ghana in West Africa and currently serves as the Director of Faith Formation at St. Moses the Black Parish and Augustus Tolton Catholic Academy in the Archdiocese of Chicago. He has ministered in over 45 countries and for a period of 10 years, Mark served as the representative for all Anglophone African countries on the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services office in the Vatican. He also serves on the Chicago Team for Encounter Ministries for their Summer Intensive, which will be held at the Chicago Campus from July 31st-August 3rd, 2023, from 5-9 PM. For more information:
Encounter Ministries Chicago: www.encounterschool.org
St. Francis of Rome School
1401 S. Austin Blvd.
Cicero, IL

Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Episode # 9101 – Father Koys Continues On Science And Cosmology
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
In a very different change of pace, it’s the third show this week to feature Father Koys filling in for Father Bus. We apologize for the rough internet connection, but Father Koys continues his examination into science and cosmology for the first segment. But due to technical and internet problems we will leave you in the hands of a re-air with Father Anthony. Again, we apologize for the inconveniences and tech issues, which are in the process of getting resolved.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Episode # 9100 - Father Koys On A Cosmic Crisis Of Faith And Cosmology
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Due to Father Anthony in Rochester this week and Father Koys conducting a funeral, this is a re-air of one of his most popular shows from June 7th. It will officially air on WNDZ tomorrow, Wednesday July 19th. Thank you.
It’s time to wrinkly your brains again loyal listeners and the only one who can do that, is Father Koys. Today, he continues looking at questions surrounding the universe and cosmetology and related to great astronomers and scientists such as Copernicus, Galileo, and more related to things said in the past regarding the Church and Bible, and our faith. The discussion also examines and brings up several unanswered questions regarding mysterious phenomenon, including a Crisis Of Faith and Crisis of Cosmology, with Father Koys trying to build up your faith.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
A change of pace today, as it’s a brain wrinkling Tuesday with Father Koys filling in. He continues his discussion on cosmology, in this case…the human aspects of the universe, as well as looking at life in terms of atoms and particles in the universe. Father Koys also looks at some areas of Extraterrestrial Life out there in the universe and to try to give some semblance of proof of that theory, as well as looking at it in the aspect/feeling of love.

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Episode # 9098 - Remembering Bishop John Manz
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023