
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Episode # 9137 – The Feast Day Of The Birthday Of The Nativity
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
TGIF loyal listeners and today the Saint Stans Trinity is back. This time…their focus is on talking about the Feast Day of the Birthday of the Nativity, discussing the importance of God choosing Mary as the Mother of God and the Son Jesus, but also the feeling of her importance and the reasons for her choosing and to hear the call.

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Episode # 9136 – The Saint Stans Trinity On The Past And Present
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
TGIAF everyone and the Saint Stans Trinity is back this week. Today, they continue examining all that is happening in the world and reflect on moments/letters/readings from the past to help look at these things/concepts/topics further.

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Episode # 9135 – Father Koys Examines The Ode To A Fireplace
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Back on track with Father Koys as he is ready to wrinkle our brains on today’s topics. This time…he focuses on things and elements in Catholicism that are meant to lift his and our spirits, but on the show he talks about how they depress him. Father Koys continues to bring up John Denver and his songs too and he reads the poem: The Ode to a Fireplace by Henry David Thoreau to help along these lines expressing ones hopes and desires and looking for something to believe in.

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Episode # 9134 - Letter Reading With Father Anthony
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
The day after Labor Day and the Saint Stans Trinity is back. Today, Father Anthony has a few letters to read and reflect on what is going on in the world. The first letter is from Sister Lucia dos Santos to her nephew talking about the worry of the diabolical things happening in the world. After the break, Father Anthony reads to us the original letter he wanted to start the show off with, a letter from Pope Saint Pius X.

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Episode # 9133 - A Visit With Dr. Michael New
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Due to the Labor Day Holiday coming up next week, this is a re-air from April 24th. Thank you and from all of us at Winds of Change, may you have a safe, fun, and relaxing Labor Day.
Today we have Mary and Lauretta back with us and today they are very excited to be joined again by Dr. Michael New, Professor at Catholic University of America. Along with Mary and Lauretta, Dr. Michael New discusses all that has happened and occurring within the Pro-Life Community. These include the Comstock Act, Roe V. Wade, and abortion pills and the cases involving them. For more information, please visit:

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Episode # 9132 – Father Koys On Soul-Searching For God
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
TGIF and a change of pace today as we join Father Koys for a brain wrinkling Friday for all to hear as Father Anthony returns from Rochester later on today. His focus this time is looking at Transcendentalists, and one in particular Henry David Thoreau, in terms of the searching we do for God. Not in a traveling way, but in a soul-searching way or turning to the works of Thoreau and other several philosophers, by readings about the ups and downs of this search for God, and songs of John Denver too.

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Episode # 9131 - Reflecting On The Differences In Generations
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Due to Father Anthony in Rochester this week, this is a re-air from August 3rd, one of our most popular shows and it will officially air on WNDZ tomorrow, August 31st. Thank you.
Father Anthony is here with us and Cristina returns too. After the opening Prayer, they reflect once again how things are different in society, this time in terms of what each generation is exposed to, or what they did as children and how it’s different today, including in the summer. This also brings to mind the various artists and musicians everyone is exposed to. Producer Nick also comes on the help fill in for Tony.

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Episode # 9130 – Father Koys Researching The Protestant Reformation
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Father Koys is back with us and today he is very excited to wrinkle your brains loyal listeners. This time, instead of focusing on the cosmic journey and examination he has been doing the last few shows, he examines more on the Protestant Reformation back in 1682, and one specific individual: William Penn. He looks at Penn’s personal history, as well as his influence during the time of the Protestant Reformation. He also examines some of the Saints associated with this and the works of G. K. Chesterton again.

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Episode # 9129 - Discussing What Is Wrong…With And In The World
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Due to Father Anthony being in Rochester this week, this is a re-air of one of our most popular shows from June 6th and 20th and will officially air on WNDZ tomorrow, August 29th. Thank you.
Tuesday with the Saint Stans Trinity today and they are preparing for Corpus Christi coming up this month. With all the funerals that Father Anthony has had to run recently…it brings up more on how we need a lot of faith and prayer in the world we live in with so much going on in and with the world. To help on this, they turn to the works of some interesting authors, including Mark Twain and Saints.

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Episode # 9128 - Mary and Lauretta Reunited
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Due to Father Anthony in Rochester this week and Mary and Lauretta taking care of family business, this is a re-air from July 31st. Thank you.
Mary and Lauretta are back loyal listeners, with Mary returning from a few busy days She regales us on the Spiritual Conference she attended recently and all the wonderful talks, presentations, and insightful events that took place. The ladies also wish the original producer of the show Oscar a happy birthday, as well as Mary's daughter Lucy. They also discuss many of the current and recent events surrounding the Pro-Life Community.