
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Episode #4156 Mary and Lauretta Discuss the Drink of One Spirit Conference
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Episode #4156 Today Mary and Lauretta with CeCe Beauchamps, Communication Chair for Pentecost Today, U.S.A. talk about the upcoming Conference Jesus 2023, Drink of One Spirit to be held in Kansas City Ks October 20-22, 2023 Speakers include Bishop Peter Smith, Archbishop Joseph Nauman, Fr, Boniface Hicks, Ralph Martin, John Beaulieu and Misty Edwards. The Conference will include 24/7 Praise and Worship Celebration, Prayer Ministry, Penance and Healing Service, Prophetic Intercession & Worship Workshop and Street Evangelization. For more information and to register: 800-338-2445, events@pentecosttodayusa.org or www.pentecosttodayusa.org/jesus2023
“Come all who are thirsty, come to the waters” Isaiah 55:1