
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Episode#9097 -Renee Marazon On Charisms Of The Holy Spirit
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Today Lauretta fills in for Father Anthony and her guest is Renee Marazon, a member of St. Katherine Drexel Parish where among her many gifts, she shares her talents as the coordinator of the Charism (Spiritual Gifts) Ministry and Prayer Team Ministry and she serves as coordinator of the SKD Alpha Core team and a coach for the South Florida Alpha, USA. Ms. Marazon has an extensive background in K-12 Education, author of over 10 publications, and given retreats, workshops, and parish missions throughout the U.S., Trinidad, and the Philippines. Today, Lauretta and Renee discuss her publication: Charisms of the Holy Spirit: Tools for the New Evangelization, a necessary tool enabling Catholics to discern, learn about, and use their spiritual gifts called Charisms on the path to become "missionary disciples". For more information:
Renee Marazon: 419-343-1604 and renee@marazon.com