
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Today Illinois Right to Life Action lobbyist, RALPH RIVERA, is with us today to sort out the legislation that is pending in the Illinois legislature. Ralph is a lobbyist with over 30 years experience in Springfield at the Illinois General Assembly.
Ralph drew our attention to three bills in particular, HB 4876 which would allow the government to take away your child, deeming her “abused” if you as her parent did not allow her to obtain “necessary care” including an abortion; HB 4876 amending the Illinois Human Rights Act making it a violation of the Act in an employer discriminates if the employee makes a Reproductive Health decision which they do not agree; And finally, SB 3499 the Assisted Suicide Bill.
For more information on these bills and others go to Illinois Right to Life Action at illinoisrighttolifeaction.org or call 312-422-9300.