
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Born in Bangalore, India to a British military family, Prince was
educated at Eton and, Cambridge in England and Hebrew University in Israel.
A self-proclaimed atheist and a philosopher, while in the medical corps during WWII, Prince began to study the bible as a philosophical work. He was converted through a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ, baptized in the Holy Spirit a few days later and he devoted his life to studying and teaching the bible as the word of God. He is the author of over 64 books. Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting has awakened Christians around the world to their responsibility to pray for their governments. Many consider underground translations of the book as instrumental to the fall of communistic regimes in the USSR, East Germany and Czechoslovakia.
Source for material is William Bradford’s book Of Plymouth Plantation, where Bradford carefully recorded the many instances where God answered prayer for the Pilgrims. Today we discuss the foundation of the first Thanksgiving, God answering the Pilgrims prayers and the Native Americans joined in worship and Thanksgiving.
Share how in the summer of 1623 the corn crop that the pilgrims had so carefully planted was threatened and God saved the Pilgrims and the Native Americans at your Thanksgiving dinner.